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northedge(英语翻译边城茶峒地处湘西州花垣县西北边境,距县城25公里;位于湘、黔、渝三省(市)交界处,始建于嘉庆八年(1803 年);有“一脚踏三省”之称,属湘西的四大名镇之一.解放前,山城雄

小编:小编酱  来源:编辑铺  |  时间:2023-05-06 11:45:56

英语翻译边城茶峒地处湘西州花垣县西北边境,距县城25公里;位于湘、黔、渝三省(市)交界处,始建于嘉庆八年(1803 年);有“一脚踏三省”之称,属湘西的四大名镇之一.解放前,山城雄峙,

边城茶峒地处湘西州花垣县西北边境,距县城25公里; Border town tea cave is located in northwest border of Suggestions for cost through county, 25 kilometers away from the county seat;
位于湘、黔、渝三省(市)交界处,始建于嘉庆八年(1803 年); Located in hunan, guizhou, sichuan at the junction of three provinces (municipalities), founded in jiaqing eight years (1803);
有“一脚踏三省”之称,属湘西的四大名镇之一. A "one foot three provinces," said, is one of the four famous town of xiangxi.
解放前,山城雄峙,城垣逶迤,河水悠悠,青石道整洁风雅; Yoho before liberation, mountain city titles, walls, the river leisurely, bluestone neat and elegant;
吊脚楼古色古香,白塔 耸立,古渡摆舟,如诗如画. Diaojiao building, antique white tower stands, the ancient cross a pendulum, itself.
诗云:“边城胜景令人醉,疑是身在画中游.” Did: "the border town scenery is drunk, doubt is in the middle."
著名的文学大师沈从文先生以茶峒为北景,写出他的代表作《边 城》,从此边城驰名中外. Mr Famous master in literature shen tea cave as north scene, write his masterpiece "edge city", from the border town is famous at home and abroad.
解放后,城垣、白塔虽毁,但古风依存,又新修楼房和大桥等建筑,为边城茶峒增添新景; After the liberation, the walls, the white tower is destroyed, but antique interdependence, and new building and bridge construction, add restored for border town tea cave;
《连心坝》、《边城》 等影片,均在茶峒拍摄外景. "Defiled dam", "border town" and other films, was shooting on location in the tea cave.
许多慕名探访者踏青石古道,登水边吊脚楼,听月下渔歌,寻觅白塔、石碾和船夫的坟; Traveled a lot of visitors on bluestone road, the water's edge diaojiao building, listening to the fisherman's song, look for white tower, stone grinding and the boatman's grave;
回味那美丽动人的故事 . The beautiful and moving story.
边城茶峒由于地理位置险要,历史上成为兵家必争之地. Border town because it is subject to geographical location, tea cave become mohican in history.
在清嘉庆七年(1802),这里建成了一座石堡城,设东西南北4门,门楼上各有4座炮台,420个垛口. Seven years in the qing dynasty jiaqing (1802), it built a stone city, set up four doors, between east and west, south and north gate house on each have four fort, 420 crenel.
战争时期,的残兵败奖经此地逃往四川; During the Anti-Japanese War, Chiang kai-shek down archers lost award went to sichuan here;
解放战争时期,刘邓大军也是从这里推进大西南. Liu's war of liberation southwestern Deng Dajun also push from here.
解放后,城墙城门虽被毁坏,但翠翠岛、吊脚楼、石板街依然保存完整. After the liberation, the city wall gate is destroyed, but cui cui island, the diaojiao building, stone street is still intact.
近年来,建起了34级石级石头台阶组成的近万米沿河观光带. In recent years, built of 34 stair stone steps nearly thousands of meters sightseeing belt along the river.
如今茶峒旧貌换新,城内有吊脚楼,城边有河,河中有岛,岛上有林,林中有碑,碑中有文,成为闻名世界的边城. Today in the new tea cave, a diaojiao building in the city, a river edge, river island, the island forest, the forest there are tablet, tablet has, become world famous book.
2005年6月湖南省批准茶峒镇更名为边城镇. In June 2005, hunan provincial people's government approved the tea cave town changed its name to the edge of town.
边城古镇有古朴、浓郁的民族风情. In ancient town of of primitive simplicity, rich ethnic customs.
在文学大师沈从文的《边城》中,就是一道亮丽的风景线. In the master in literature shen cong-wen's "border town", is a kind of beautiful scenery.
“溪流如弓背,山路如弓弦,故远近有了小小差异.……两岸多高山,山中多可以造纸的细竹,长年作深颜色,逼人眼目.近水人家多在桃杏花里.夏天则晒晾在日光下耀眼的紫花布衣裤,可以作人家所在的旗帜.……黄泥的墙,乌黔的瓦,位置却永远那么妥贴,……全城群山环抱,山中有城,城中有山,青石板街依山就势,纵横交错.这些青石板的石条是茶峒人一块块从山上背回来,一凿凿地凿掉那些多余的部分,粗糙的部分凹凸的部分,再一块块地连着铺过去,路越多希望也越长.一个多世纪过去了,青石板磨得油亮.” "Streams such as arch, mountain like the bowstring, so have a little different. On both sides of the mountain, the mountain can be more fine bamboo paper, long deep color, threatening the eyes. People more close water in TaoXingHua. Summer sun drying in the sun shining purple flower BuYiKu, may make the somebody else's flags. yellow walls, wu qian of tile, location is never so beautiful,... the mountains, the city of mountain city, the city has a mountain, mountain green flag street potential, crisscross. These green flag stone tea cave are pieces back from the mountain, a cut off those spare part emphatically, rough parts of concave and convex, then pieces of land attached to the past, the more hope the long way. More than a century on, grinding the deep green flag."
这就是沈从文笔下的边城小景. This is shen congwen's border town kei chan.
主要景点有:翠翠岛(20元/人)、百家书法园、沿河吊脚楼、南方古人类遗址、古老城墙、拉拉渡,悬棺遗址. The main attractions are: cui cui island (20 yuan/person), hundreds of calligraphy, the diaojiao building along the river, the south ancient ruins, ancient city wall, lala cross, hanging coffins sites.

英语翻译《The History Man》《Boys from the Blackstuff》《Edge of Darkness》《Middlemarch》《Our Mutual Friend》《Our Friends in the North》.


西餐礼仪 英文版300字 要清楚

Eat Western food in a large sense in the mood to eat:the marble fireplace,Yi Yi flash of light crystal,silver candelabra,wine colorful,together with the people of the charming and elegant manner,which in itself is a moving painting.To your taste in the Western manner when more skilled,more charges are familiar with these efforts ritual meal,or a very worthwhile.
When they took the body to correct,not to elbow on the table,not enough to raise one's foot,and the distance between the table in order to facilitate the better use of tableware.Meal on the stage has been set up at the dinner not to play.Fold the napkin on the lap gently.
* The use of knife and fork to eat from the outside to the inside of access to knife and fork to hold the left hand fork,knife-wielding right hand; all things left-handed when holding down the fork food,the right hand of its Trauma Center sawing into small pieces and then Fork into the mouth.The use of a knife,the blade can not be outside.To lay down their knives and forks in the dining should be put into the "eight" fonts were on the edge of the plate.Towards the blade itself,that should continue to eat.After each dish,knife and fork on the feet close together and after.If talks with a knife and fork can be no lay down.Do not have a knife,can also hold the right hand fork,but the need to make gestures,it should lay down their knife and fork,knife and fork must not hand waving in the air shaking,not single-handedly with a knife or fork,and another napkin in hand Cazui,can not be a wine glass in hand,fork in hand and the other taking food.We have to remember that at any time,will not be the end of the knife and fork on the plate,on the other side of the table.
* Each into the mouth of the food should not be too much to chew on when not to speak,but can not take the initiative to talk with people.
Admission,call the owner,that is to start eating.
Take food,not sung too much.After eating food,if not,can be taken.If the greeter at the dish,to be added,to be sent when the receptionist again.If I can not eat or not eat the food,or serve as the master greeter Jia Cai,do not refuse,on the desirability of a small amount of disk,and said "Thank you,enough." Taste of the dishes are not,do not show An embarrassed expression.
To eat refined.Chewing shut up,do not drink soup,not to eat sounds.Such as soup,hot dishes,cold wait before eating,not to blow his mouth.Inside the mouth of the fish bone,the bones do not directly outside the spit,Yanzui napkins,hand (can be used chopsticks to eat Chinese food) out,or lightly fork in the spit,vegetables on tray.
The leftovers of food,utensils used toothpicks should be placed on disk,not to put their table.
Mouth with food,not to speak.Tiya,napkin or hand over the mouth
Both for the owner,or Peike guests,and the table should talk to people,especially around next to him.Not only with a few acquaintances or two of the same words.If the neighbor did not know,introduce myself first.
As the guest of honor at the banquet to participate in foreign,should be used to understand each other's toast,that is why people toast,when the toast,and so on,in order to make the necessary preparations.Clink,and the owner of the guest of honor first touch,many people may indicate a toast at the same time,not necessarily clink.Toast careful not to cross when the clink.And the master chief guest at the speech,toast,the meal should be suspended,to stop talking and pay attention to listen,and do not like to take this opportunity to smoke.Stood when the national anthem is played.The master and guest of honor,then finished with VIP guests clink staff,often to Teachers sprinkle the other table,should an emergency occur,rose to toast.Clink,to pay tribute to each other by sight.
Dinner toast each other,said the friendly,lively atmosphere,but bear in mind that excessive drinking.Drinks too easily slip of the tongue,and even loss,it is necessary to control himself in less than one-third of those who have.
In social occasions,no matter how hot the weather can not solve the buttons off his clothes in public.Small informal dinner,and invited guests,such as the masters of undress,gentlemen can take off his jacket in the back.
(Or coffee) tea,coffee,plus get milk,sugar,cup self to join with small mixing teaspoon,teaspoon back into the still small dishes,usually milk,sugar are in full bloom with separate utensils.Drink at the right hand is holding the Cup,the left hand side small dishes.
Chili,Apple,do not bite with a whole should be cut into four with a fruit knife,6,and then peeled with a knife,nuclear,and then eat with their hands,peeling knife-edge when North Korea,cut inside from the outside .First banana peel,cut into small pieces to eat with a knife.With a knife and cut into pieces to eat oranges,orange,lychee,longan and so on can eat Bole Pi.The rest,such as watermelon,pineapple,etc.,usually go into skin yuan,can be used when eating a fruit knife and cut into small pieces with fork food.
Shui Yu
In the banquet,the chicken,lobster,fruit,in some cases sent a small Shui Yu (Tongpen,crystal bowls or Boli Gang),a floating rose petal water or lemon slices for the use of hand-washing (some people have mistaken for beverages,As a result become a joke).Wash hands when they take turns damp fingers gently Shuanxi,and then use a small napkin or towel dry.
Memorial items
Some of the master for each person attending or have a small souvenir of flowers.At the end of the banquet,call the owner to bring guests.In such,it can be said that it commended the 12 small gifts,but do not have to solemnly said.In some cases,foreign visitors,the dinner menu is often taken as a souvenir,and sometimes I please with those who signed the menu as a souvenir.In addition to the special master to indicate things as souvenirs,a variety of entertainment products,including candy,fruit,cigarettes and so on,are not taken away.
Sometimes in the private sector attended the banquet activities,often my business card or memo said.
Will buffet,cocktail buffet vegetables take,cocktail reception,greeter serve,not to get a gun,I have to be sent to the front of the airport project.Did not get around the first time,not to rush to get their second.Do not dish around the table next to the check End Tuikai that,in order to let other people get.
The use of tableware
Chinese food is the major bowls,chopsticks,is the Western knives,forks,plates.Dinner is usually a foreigner to eat Chinese food,Chinese food is also for the West to eat more,before we go,knife and fork set.The knife and fork is the use of his right hand with a knife,hold the left hand fork,cut into small pieces of food,and then sent a cross inside the mouth.Europeans do not use changing hands,from cutting food were sent to hold the left hand fork.Americans,after cutting,put down the knife,fork right hand holding the entrance to send food.When dinner knife and fork in accordance with the order from outside access inside.After each course,emissions will be set within feet close together and knife and fork to eat that.If finished,then put into a character or a cross placed,knife-edge to inside.Chicken,lobster,indicated by the master,can be torn by hand to eat,or can be cut meat knife and fork,cut into small pieces to eat.Cut with bone or hard shell of meat,meat fork must fork in prison,knife-edge close to cross under the cut,so as not to slide open.Vegetable,be careful not to hit too much force plate and sound.Is not easy to cross the food,or food is not easy on the fork,gently push it available Dao fork.In addition to the soup,do not have to spoon feeding.With deep soup plate or small bowl full bloom,when to drink with a spoon scoop from the inside out into the mouth,is about to do drink,can be set to hold out a little.Eat with the smell of food,such as fish,shrimp,game,etc.equipped with a lemon,juice will hand out food in the drip,to smell out.
Are involved in an accident case
Banquet in progress,due to carelessness,the occurrence of unusual circumstances,such as too much force,knife and fork so that the impact plate,audible,or drop utensils on the floor,or knock over drinks and so on,should not have to worry calm.Tableware out of touch sound,a small sitting next to (or host) say "I am sorry." Tableware can be dropped to send a greeter to pay.Spilling drinks spilled next to him who should apologize to help dry; as the other women,as long as the clean handkerchief or napkin and handed to her own dry.


中文;少数民族:云南是少数民族最多的省份,除了汉族外,还聚居着26个民族,全省少数民族人口占总人口的近三分之一。不同的民族就有各自的特色,所以在云南,你可以领略到别的地方没有的民族文化花卉之乡:云南素有“植物王国”之称。欧美争相培植的杜鹃、报春、山茶、兰花百合等名花,大多来自云南,就更不用说国内培育的花了。云南八大名花:山茶、杜鹃、木兰、报春花、百合花、龙胆、绿绒蒿、兰花。加上云南四季如春的好气候,这里就是一个花的海洋。山区竹林很多,有繁茂的竹笋。喀斯特地貌:云南东部的云贵高原,历经两百万年的溶蚀风化冲刷,形成了奇特瑰丽的初级喀斯特地貌、溶岩地形,其中尤以路南石林、九乡风景区为最。热带雨林:西双版纳地处北回归线以南的热带北部边沿,热带季风气候,终年温暖、阳光充足,湿润多雨,是地球北回归线沙漠带上惟一的一块绿州,是热带雨林生态系统保存最完整、最典型、面积最大的地区,也是当今地球上少有的动植物基因库,被誉为地球的一大自然奇观。Minority: Yunnan is China's most minority provinces, besides Han, is inhabited by 26 people, the province's minority population occupies total population nearly 1/3. Different nationalities have their own characteristics, so in Yunnan, you can get anywhere without cultureFlower Town: Yunnan known as "Kingdom of plants". Europe and the United States to cultivation of Rhododendron, camellia, Primula, orchid lily flowers, mostly from Yunnan, not to mention the domestic cultivation of flowers. Yunnan: camellia, cuckoo, eight flowers of Magnolia, primrose, lily, gentian, Meconopsis, orchid. With Yunnan the four seasons such as spring weather, there is a sea of flowers. Mountain bamboo many, a luxuriant bamboo shoots.Karst: Yunnan Eastern Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, after two million years of corrosion and weathering erosion, forming a unique magnificent primary Karst landform, karst terrain, especially in the Lunan Stone Forest, Jiuxiang scenic area most.Tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna: located south of the Tropic of cancer in the tropical north edge, the tropical monsoon climate, is warm, sunny, humid and rainy, earth tropic desert with only a piece of green state, is China's tropical rain forest ecosystem preservation is most complete, the most typical, the largest area of the region, but also on the planet today rare animal and plant gene bank, known as one of the earth's natural wonders




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